Wake Your Dream

Join Annaliese Seaborn, Life Design Coach, as she talks with her husband Alan about growth, faith, how your brain works, and how to make shifts in your thoughts and actions daily that can help you make real changes and create a life you love.

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6 days ago

In this episode, Annaliese and Alan wrap up their Enneagram series by diving into the three Energy Stances: Assertive, Dependent, and Withdrawing. Each Enneagram Type fits into one of these stances, which deeply influences how they navigate life, make decisions, and interact with others. Annaliese explains what it feels like to be each Type, in each stance, and how these default patterns impact and shape daily life.
YOU'LL HEAR ABOUT:- Understanding the energy behind your Enneagram Type can deepen your self-awareness and improve your growth journey. Discover how balancing your own body, mind, and heart on a more conscious basis in your day leads to wiser decisions and better interactions with others.- The Assertive Types (3, 7, 8) move forward (sometimes against others) because they tend to be focused on the future. They’re usually standing in the present with one foot, and with the other they’re always stepping forward to get what they need, even if it means they need to move against or past others. Their traits are that they usually are Overthinking + Overdoing, and neglecting their Feelings. A good way for these Assertive Types to act in more wise, proactive ways is to interrupt their moments regularly during their day to ask themselves “What am I Feeling?”. In this way these Types can invite their neglected heart (Wise Heart) into their moment of decision-making.- The Dependent Types (1, 2, 6) depend on others in order to move, because they’re focused on the present. They tend to have both feet in the present, trying to get others to work with or agree with them to get what they need. Their traits are Overdoing + Overfeeling, and neglecting their Thinking. A good way for these Dependent Types to act in more wise, proactive ways is to interrupt their moments regularly during their day to ask themselves “What am I Thinking?”. In this way these Types can invite their neglected mind (Wise Mind) into their moment of decision-making.- The Withdrawing Types (4, 5, 9) move away from others because they’re focused on the past. They tend to be standing with one foot in the present and the other foot stepping back away from people to get what they need. Their traits are Overthinking + Overfeeling, and neglecting their Doing. A good way for these Withdrawn Types to act in more wise, proactive ways is to interrupt their moments regularly during their day to ask themselves “What am I Doing?”. In this way these Types can invite their neglected body (Wise Body) into their moment of decision-making.
Free Coaching Call!Want a personalized coaching session? Book your free 1-hour Discovery Chat with Annaliese at www.linktree.com/coachannaliese.WAYS TO USE THE ENNEAGRAM TO GROW:-Build a space of openness and safety for your own growth. All personality information (weaknesses, strengths, fears, desires) is useful to create better growth habits. Notice where you feel that sensitive or uncomfortable information is working against you or against other people, and see that it’s meant to work FOR you - we all have capacity for constructive change and growth, and your growth is your own responsibility  -Tune in to what you’re learning, even when it’s about a Type that’s not yours. There are valuable insights that Type cares about and brings to the table that can help you grow your own perspective of how life works and what more options are as you navigate it.-Let yourself practice using this tool safely and honestly inside yourself. Practice focusing on using any knowledge you uncover about yourself to benefit and grow from in simple, daily ways, not to judge yourself or tear yourself down.Listen in for how becoming aware of your natural energy impacts your experiences, relationships, and choices in life!

Wednesday Oct 02, 2024

In this episode, Annaliese and Alan explore the Enneagram’s Head Triad (Types 5, 6, and 7), focusing on their similarities and differences. Annaliese shares key insights on each Type, including their core fear, desire, strengths, struggles, and the core messages they need to hear. You'll discover how understanding these Types—even if they aren't your own—can help you live more authentically and understand others on a deeper level.
- How each Enneagram Type sees life through their own unique lens and how that affects how they relate to themselves and others.- The Head Triad Types (5, 6, 7) are thinkers who aim to create safety and competence in their lives.   - Type 5 overidentifies with thinking and tends to withdraw.  - Type 6 struggles to trust themselves and often looks outward for security.  - Type 7 distracts themselves from anxiety by staying busy.- How each of the Head Types handles anxiety and fear differently, influencing how they make decisions.  - Type 5 withdraws into isolation.  - Type 6 seeks external validation but remains anxious or confrontational.  - Type 7 tries to outrun fear by overcommitting.- How understanding each Type’s reactions to stress can lead to more effective personal growth and intentional living.
- Curious about personal coaching with Annaliese? Visit www.linktree.com/coachannaliese to schedule your FREE 1-hour Discovery Chat - no strings attached, and get great tips for what you want results in.
What the Head Triad Teaches Us:
- Practicing intentional thinking helps create clarity and steadiness in life.- Thoughtful, grounded decision-making leads to more freedom and balance.
Ways to Use the Enneagram for Growth:
- Use personality insights (strengths, fears, desires) to build growth habits.- Learn valuable lessons from Types outside your own.- Practice self-awareness without judgment to foster personal development.Listen in today for more insights on the Enneagram Head Types - and applying these ideas to yourself too!

Wednesday Sep 25, 2024

In this episode, Annaliese and Alan explore Enneagram Types 2, 3, and 4, focusing on their similarities and differences. Annaliese unpacks each Type’s core fear, desire, strengths, struggles, and the key message they need to hear. She explores how understanding these Types—even if they aren’t your own—can help you live more authentically as you, and build deeper connections with others.
You’ll hear about:- How each of the 9 Enneagram types has a distinct perspective on life and how paying attention to other viewpoints can expand your understanding.- The Heart Triad (Types 2, 3, and 4) is highly focused on identity, belonging, and significance, with each type feeling life is about understanding others: Type 2 seeks to meet others’ needs, Type 3 is concerned with how others perceive them, and Type 4 wants to stand out as unique.- Each type in the Heart Triad struggles most with their feelings of shame. Type 2 often feels others' emotions more than their own (shame about their own needs), Type 3 dismisses their feelings to stay productive (shame about not performing perfectly), and Type 4 overidentifies with their emotions (shame about feeling like they don't belong).- Noticing how these Types handle stress can help you manage your own tendencies more effectively and live with greater balance.- Each Heart Type relates to others based on how they relate to themselves: Type 2s want to be indispensable, Type 3s want to be valuable, and Type 4s strive for uniqueness. Recognizing this can help you better understand their motivations and behaviors.
FREE COACHING SESSION!- Experience coaching with Annaliese! Visit https://linktree.com/coachannaliese to schedule your FREE 1-hour Discovery Chat with her. Share what you want in life, and get tips to make real changes so you can get there!
What the Heart Triad Teaches Us:- All people, no matter their differences, are important and deeply valuable.- Practicing empathy for others and ourselves builds our confidence and naturally strengthens relationships, helping us navigate life’s ups and downs.- Building authentic relationships is key to a more satisfying life.
Ways to Use the Enneagram to Grow:- Create a safe space for growth. Every personality trait—whether a strength, weakness, fear, or desire—offers valuable insight to help you build better habits.- Tune in to lessons from all types, not just your own. Other types bring valuable insights that can expand your understanding of life and how you navigate it.- Use the Enneagram with kindness. Use what you learn to grow and improve, not to judge or over-criticize yourself. Your growth is your responsibility, and the Enneagram is a tool to support that journey.Listen in today to learn about how prioritizing relationships more and tuning in to others (and your own needs) can help you build some of the strong emotional skills you're looking for!

Wednesday Sep 18, 2024

In this episode, Annaliese and Alan start exploring the Enneagram Types, focusing on The Gut Triad, Types 8, 9, and 1. They talk through their similarities and differences, and Annaliese breaks down the core fear, core desire, top strengths, struggles, and essential messages that each Type needs to hear.
YOU'LL HEAR ABOUT:- The 9 Enneagram Types each represent unique perspectives on life. For Types 8, 9, and 1 (the Gut Triad), their focus is on fairness, rightness, and reacting to their environment.- Each Gut Type handles anger uniquely: 8s express anger outwardly, 9s suppress it, and 1s control and deny it.- Understanding how these types react to stress can help boost personal growth.- The way each Gut Type relates to themselves impacts how they connect with others. 8s assert themselves, 9s deny their needs, and 1s strive for perfection. Recognizing these patterns can reveal strengths and areas for improvement.
FREE COACHING DISCOVERY CHAT:- To experience one-on-one coaching with Annaliese, schedule your FREE 1-hour Discovery Chat with her at: www.linktree.com/coachannaliese.
USING THE ENNEAGRAM TO GROW:- Create a safe space in yourself for personal growth by practicing being honest, open, and embracing both your strengths and weaknesses as you learn more about them.- Learn from all Types to help you see where you want to step outside your comfort zone or broaden your perspective.- Use Enneagram insights for yourself daily to foster more positive, constructive change in your life by being yourself in ways that feel healthier and more authentic.Listen in for insights in Types 8, 9 and 1. Even if you aren't personally one of these Types, you can grow your own perspective of life by learning more about these different approaches to life and showing up in the world! 

Wednesday Sep 11, 2024

IN THIS EPISODE: Annaliese and Alan introduce the Enneagram, a personality tool designed for personal growth, deeper self-awareness, and better interpersonal dynamics. Annaliese explains how she uses it in her life and coaching practice, offering insights for those interested in learning to use it in practical, helpful ways to grow and change in their lives, personally and professionally.
YOU'LL HEAR ABOUT:- How each Enneagram Type has its own strengths—there are no “bad” Types. Understanding your core Type's traits and how you impact others frees you up to live more authentically and purposefully.- How the Enneagram helps you uncover the reasons behind your choices, feelings, and behaviors, leading to a more engaging and fulfilling life. Gaining self-awareness gives you the tools and options to make empowered decisions.- How learning about your Type—and the Types of those around you—can transform your relationships and dynamics with others (both personally and professionally). Using the Enneagram effectively leads to personal growth and more positive, healthy dynamics.
FREE COACHING CHAT:- Experience coaching with Annaliese for yourself! Schedule a FREE 1-hour Discovery Chat at [Linktree](https://www.linktree.com/coachannaliese)ENNEAGRAM TESTS:- Take the RHETI Enneagram test ($20): [Enneagram Institute] https://tests.enneagraminstitute.com/orders/create
- Try a free Christian-based Enneagram quiz: [Your Enneagram Coach] https://assessment.yourenneagramcoach.com/Listen today to learn a tool that will help you create better ways to be you at home , in your relationships, and at work!

58 - Handling Procrastination

Wednesday Sep 04, 2024

Wednesday Sep 04, 2024

IN THIS EPISODE:Annaliese and Alan explore the common reasons we procrastinate and share actionable strategies to help us follow through on our commitments more consistently. Annaliese emphasizes the value of becoming aware of our personal procrastination patterns, recognizing why we avoid tasks, and reminding ourselves that we have what we need to take action and stop procrastinating.
YOU'LL HEAR ABOUT:- Procrastination is a stress coping reflex that encourages avoiding action instead of moving forward.  - How fear and feelings of inadequacy can trigger procrastination. Where might this be the reason behind your delays and what support you need to overcome it? - Procrastination might be driven by convenience, and a sense of unfairness or laziness, with thoughts that waiting for more motivation or a better mood will make things easier. Where might this be holding you back and what do you need more than just comfort or convenience in these areas?  - Perfectionism and comparison can lead to procrastination, making you feel like others have figured out the “right” way while you haven’t. Where does this mindset shows up for you? What accessible, realistic standards can you set that would work best for your situation?  - The importance of taking action to move forward. Recognize why it matters so much to you to follow through on certain tasks.
HANDLING PROCRASTINATION DIFFERENTLY: - Notice what actions you’re avoiding. Ask yourself:    - Why is procrastination telling me to avoid this?    - What am I worried will happen if I take action?    - What cost do I fear? Are these assumptions valid?  - Identify why this task, project, or goal is still on your mind:    - What’s the deeper reason for wanting to follow through?    - Why is this task important to me?    - What simple forward actions could I begin with?  - Choose one simple, accessible action you can take to start moving forward:    - Break the task into smaller steps (e.g., four steps).    - Set a short timeframe for starting (e.g., only 15 minutes).    - Remind yourself of your “why” and how accomplishing this will make you feel.
FEELINGS ASSOCIATED WITH PROCRASTINATION vs FOLLOWING THROUGH: - Procrastination: Avoiding, weighed down, guilty, pressure, anxiety, overwhelm - Following Through: Satisfaction, lightness, peace, resolution, relief
FREE DISCOVERY COACHING CHAT: - Experience 1 hour of personal coaching with Annaliese! Visit www.linktree.com/coachannaliese to schedule your FREE, 1-hour Discovery Chat and get tips to make real changes in your life.Listen in today for more encouragement in how you handle your own procrastination patterns, and help yourself move forward more intentionally!

57 - How Do You Navigate Fear?

Wednesday Aug 28, 2024

Wednesday Aug 28, 2024

In this episode, Annaliese and Alan dive into why we experience fear and how our responses to it shape our lives. Annaliese sheds light on the purpose of fear, what it shows us, and how tackling fear's “what if” questions with more curiosity and confidence empowers us to navigate challenges more effectively.
YOU'LL HEAR ABOUT:- The importance of noticing your own fear triggers. Whether it’s facing a serious conversation or trying your new riding lawnmower, recognizing what triggers fear in you helps you identify the areas you care about most and where you need a supportive plan.- How to tackle those nagging “what if” questions by asking yourself, “What do I think is at stake here? Why does this matter to me? How can I support myself if the worst happens?” By answering with your own thoughtful, supportive responses, you can better meet your needs.- How fear limits your decision-making by restricting your ability to move forward and making you feel isolated. When you navigate fear differently, you'll find you can balance your thoughts as you remind yourself of past positive outcomes, your capabilities, and your adaptability during tough times.
YOUR FREE COACHING CALL:- Experience coaching with Annaliese! Visit www.linktree.com/coachannaliese to schedule your FREE 1-hour Discovery Chat and gain practical tips from Annaliese to create real change in your own life.Listen in today to give yourself some more support when it comes to your own fear patterns, and see how to pursue your life more the ways you want!

Wednesday Aug 21, 2024

In this episode, Annaliese and Alan dive into how to live a more fulfilled life by aligning your choices with what you truly value, rather than just sticking to what’s familiar. Annaliese emphasizes the importance of pausing to reflect on your routine decisions, helping you identify which choices drain you and which ones help you thrive.
You'll Hear About:- Life is full of tradeoffs. What are your “normal” choices, and are you okay with the costs? Start basing your decisions on what brings satisfaction, not just convenience. Are you giving yourself room to experiment with new choices?- Your time, money, attention, and energy are mostly within your control. What are you exchanging them for each day? What do you want to feel more of in your life? Do you find you're actively seeking the peace you want?- Embrace the reality of your limitations while recognizing the abundance of choices available to you. Accepting this balance allows you to focus on what you can control, approach your limitations constructively, and make empowered decisions.
FREE COACHING CALL WITH ANNALIESE:- Experience personal coaching with Annaliese! Visit linktree.com/coachannaliese to schedule your FREE, 1-hour Discovery Chat and gain practical tips on the real changes you want to create in your life.Listen in for fresh perspective on your "normal", and practical ways to keep creating the life you want!

Wednesday Aug 14, 2024

**In This Episode:**
Annaliese and Alan delve into how your thoughts can either propel you forward or hold you back. Discover the power of taking intentional control over your mindset to make a more significant impact in your life.
**You'll Hear About:**
- **Differentiating Thoughts:** Learn to distinguish between automatic, emotion-driven thoughts and those you consciously choose based on your true beliefs and aspirations.
- **Mastering Doubts and Fears:** Understand how recognizing doubts, frustrations, and fears as unintentional thoughts gives you the power to interrupt them and decide your response.
- **Evaluating Core Beliefs:** Explore the importance of self-awareness in assessing whether your core beliefs serve your desired lifestyle or if it's time to cultivate new, empowering convictions.
**Free Coaching Call:**
Experience coaching firsthand with Annaliese! Visit [www.linktree.com/coachannaliese](http://www.linktree.com/coachannaliese) to schedule your FREE 1-hour Discovery Chat. Share your story and gain actionable tips to enact real change in your life.
1. Notice when unhelpful thoughts like, "This won't work" or "I will fail", come up in you.
2. Remind yourself you're in charge. This shows you your choice to interrupt the thought. (picturing a big red stop sign can help you interrupt)
3. Meet the thought with safety and confidence. Acknowledge your fleeting, negative thought with understanding. Respond to them with the positive perspective you want to act from, like "I can try" or "I'm capable."
4. Repeat this process with negative thoughts in order to build your confidence of being in charge. Tell yourself you're willing to consistently interrupt old thoughts, introduce new ones, and act as if they're true.Listen in today for more practical mindset helpers as you work on your thought life from an "in charge" perspective!

54 - What It Takes To Grow

Wednesday Aug 07, 2024

Wednesday Aug 07, 2024

In this episode, Annaliese and Alan dive into the practical side of personal growth. They share real-life examples of daily efforts and the tangible steps that lead to meaningful change.
YOU'LL HEAR ABOUT:- Personal growth requires conscious, intentional steps and different actions. Shifting your focus helps you spot opportunities for change and encourages a growth mindset.- Growth means doing things differently than you've been doing them. This involves you making intentional tweaks starting here and now, not waiting for perfect circumstances or more motivation. Regular self-check-ins and adjustments to your schedule and your daily to-do lists can support you as you pursue your new direction and identity.- Reflecting for yourself on what growth means you would do differently: Are you shifting your focus? Are you making new decisions throughout your day? Are you picking new priorities and new ways to spend your time?- Setting realistic and helpful growth standards is crucial. Moving away from all-or-nothing or perfectionism can greatly enhance your growth process.
FREE COACHING CHAT:-Experience coaching with Annaliese! Schedule your FREE, 1-hour Discovery Chat with Annaliese at www.linktree.com/coachannaliese. Share your story, get clear on the results you want, and get practical tips to support your real changes.
STEPS TO PRACTICE GROWTH:1. Notice what mindset you're starting out with. Is it open and curious, or narrow and pressured? Choose a mindset that supports you trying new things and growing in a new direction.2. Focus on what it will take to practice over time, not just achieve outcomes. Growth is a process, so create a positive thought and feeling environment for yourself as you go along.3. Set goals that matter to you, not ones you feel you "should" pursue. This is a natural motivator, and helps increase your follow-through and satisfaction along the way.4. Celebrate every step as you go in your new direction. True growth happens as you become more authentically you, and this journey is filled with valuable moments that you're choosing with every Yes you say.Listen in today for some examples of how Alan and I each experience growth and what practical steps and mindset shifts you can start making today to pursue your own!


Want things to change in your life?

Annaliese shares from her experience working with clients as a certified Life Design Coach and from her own personal growth journey about what it takes to make real, daily changes in life. She shares how brain science, personality, spirituality, and changing our thoughts and feelings are what give us the results we deeply want in our lives.

LINK FOR FREE DISCOVERY CHAT: www.linktree.com/coachannaliese

WEBSITE: www.wakeyourdreamcoaching.com

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