Wake Your Dream

Join Annaliese Seaborn, Life Design Coach, as she talks with her husband Alan about growth, faith, how your brain works, and how to make shifts in your thoughts and actions daily that can help you make real changes and create a life you love.

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Wednesday Sep 06, 2023

Annaliese and Alan talk about how different personalities and needs impact relationship dynamics for the better. Annaliese brings up why showing up as who you really are matters the most in your relationships.You’ll Hear About:-Being honest and real is the best way to help your relationships in a long-term way (especially marriage!)-Your partner's differences can help you grow. Ask questions instead of trying to read their mind or thinking they’re against you. Make differences work for you, not against you.-Notice that your partner’s differences (that sometimes seem like problems) are also some of the strengths you rely on them for. Resources:-www.linktree.com/coachannaliese-What’s the way through incompatibilities? Honest communication. Being willing to say, “I don’t usually say this part to you, it might be messy because I’m not sure how to say it, but here goes…”
Music Credits: Lo-Fi Chill Hip Hop - Rob Barnes

Wednesday Aug 30, 2023

In This Episode:Annaliese and Alan talk about relationships and the personal work and different ways of processing that belong in a healthy marriage. Annaliese brings up how being a healthy individual and focusing on personal growth is some of the most important work you'll do for a healthy marriage.You’ll Hear About:-It takes self-awareness to help you show up how you need and want to in your marriage-Approach your partner with curiosity, not by thinking you figured them out or that you have to fix them-Checking in with yourself in the moment and being responsible for your posture in your marriage – are you being a victim or teammate of your partner?Resources:-www.linktree.com/coachannaliese-Helpful practice: Own your choice. Say to yourself, “I’m in charge. Am I being the me I want to be here? I get to choose.” Ask yourself at the end of the day, “Was I honest, clear, and kind?”. Remind yourself you get to pick to be the kind of partner you want to be in your marriage.Music Credits: Lo-Fi Chill Hip Hop - Rob Barnes

4 - Doubting What You Do Know

Wednesday Aug 23, 2023

Wednesday Aug 23, 2023

In This Episode:Annaliese and Alan talk about what to do as you're noticing where you feel on track or off track in the changes you’re making in your life. Annaliese brings up how doubt shows up in the “confusion” or “stuckness” you feel when you’re trying to grow or do a new thing. That happens because your brain doesn’t like change so it creates doubt to try to protect you. Even when doubt makes sense, every situation has pros and cons. You get to take charge back by choosing to move forward based on what you do know, and not get so caught up worrying about the doubt.You’ll Hear About:-“Discomfort is the currency of your dreams.” - Brooke Castillo. You will feel uncomfortable while you’re practicing your dreams in real life and actually living out the growth you want-The messy middle is a valuable place for you to be - having doubts doesn't disqualify you-You get better results by moving forward based on creating something you want, not avoiding something that may or may not happenResources:- www.linktree.com/coachannaliese- The Life Coach School Podcast with Brooke Castillohttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-life-coach-school-podcast/id870239631?i=1000362748209
Music Credits:Lo-Fi Chill Hip Hop - Rob Barnes

Wednesday Aug 16, 2023

In This Episode:Alan talks a bit about his own speaking and writing background and his view on helping people grow. Annaliese talks about what “Thought Work” is (taking charge of your thought life), and practical ways to start being more aware of your thoughts and your feelings on a daily basis so that you accept yourself and feel yourself moving more toward where you want to go. You’ll Hear About:-You can pick to agree or disagree with your thoughts (they're optional!)-To think better thoughts, you practice repeating them, it’s intentional not automatic-Acting in a more mature way with your thoughts and feelings (think "respond" not "react") helps you feel like and be the adult you've been wanting to be in your life-Feelings are a signpost: they’re meant to be felt, seen and understood (not avoided). Feel it and name it to help your feeling work FOR you not against you.Resources:- www.linktree.com/coachannaliese- The Life Coach School Podcast with Brooke Castillohttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-life-coach-school-podcast/id870239631?i=1000362748209
- Mindfulness practice card deck, “Stress Less Cards”https://www.amazon.com/Stress-Less-Cards-Mindfulness-Meditation/dp/B01CP326ME/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2VYKYEEBUSHYX&keywords=stress+less+cards&qid=1689010286&sprefix=stress+less+card%2Caps%2C122&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1- Helpful practice: Be physically still for 2 minutes. Feel your feeling and name it. Think, “I’m allowed to pick to feel this feeling. I give myself permission to pick to spend 2 minutes doing this.” Remind yourself that rushing stops you from getting a clear mind. Music Credit:Lo-Fi Chill Hip Hop - Rob Barnes

2 - Growth Takes Being Stretched

Wednesday Aug 09, 2023

Wednesday Aug 09, 2023

In This Episode:Annaliese and Alan talk about the 4 Zones of Growth (Comfort Zone, Fear Zone, Learning Zone, Growth Zone). Annaliese shares about how fear is involved in trying new things or making a change, and how to use our thoughts to stretch past that fear to grow like we want to.You’ll Hear About:-Notice your Comfort Zone and learn how to start moving yourself out of it-Fear and mistakes don’t mean you’ll fail when you’re trying to make a change-Live more proactively and intentionally instead of avoiding stretching yourself Resources:- www.linktree.com/coachannaliese
Credits:Lo-Fi Chill Hip Hop - Rob Barnes

1 - Awareness Is A Step

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023

In This Episode:Annaliese introduces her husband Alan and the podcast! She shares how she created this podcast to talk about how waking up and paying attention to your experience helps you live life on purpose. The podcast will address the most common and practical topics she helps people with in their personal and professional goals as a Life Design Coach.You’ll Hear About:-You have a choice about what you think (different perspectives exists!)-Starting right where you are even when it’s hard-Acting on your awareness is one of the first motivations for changeResources:- www.linktree.com/coachannaliese
- Episode 2 talks more about how feelings sometimes stop us from changingTIP TO HELP YOURSELF STAY AWARE: Let it be important. Write your awareness as a sentence you can repeat to yourself (ex. picking: “I want to believe that feelings are valuable.” instead of: “I think feelings are a waste of time and energy.”)
Music Credit:Lo-Fi Chill Hip Hop - Rob Barnes

Wake Your Dream Teaser

Monday Jul 24, 2023

Monday Jul 24, 2023

Annaliese introduces her new podcast! She shares how she created this podcast to talk about how waking up and paying attention to your experience helps you live life on purpose. The podcast will address the most common and practical topics she helps people with in their personal and professional goals as a Life Design Coach.


Want things to change in your life?

Annaliese shares from her experience working with clients as a certified Life Design Coach and from her own personal growth journey about what it takes to make real, daily changes in life. She shares how brain science, personality, spirituality, and changing our thoughts and feelings are what give us the results we deeply want in our lives.

LINK FOR FREE DISCOVERY CHAT: www.linktree.com/coachannaliese

WEBSITE: www.wakeyourdreamcoaching.com

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