Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

45 - Healthier Habits For Your Day: Part 2

Annaliese and Alan unpack their own experiences more, and talk through practical ways to check in with yourself when you feel your daily experience needs a shift. They share their personal steps and offer insights on how you can implement these practices to create meaningful changes in your life.


  • Notice What Works for You: Give yourself permission to experiment with different check-in methods, such as physically slowing down, focusing on your breath, placing your hand on your chest, or clenching and unclenching your hand to notice your feelings.
  • Daily Check-In Practice: Learn how to start a consistent check-in routine to better trust and support yourself.
  • Permission to Say No: Understand the importance of saying No to create the margin for the Yes’s that truly matter.


  • Experience Coaching with Annaliese:
    Visit to schedule your FREE, 1-hour Discovery Chat. Share your story and receive personalized tips to make real changes in your life.
  • Practices To Check In with Yourself:
    1. Clench Your Hand: Interrupt negative or fearful feelings by making a fist and identifying the sensations in your body. This practice helps you become more familiar with your emotions, providing stability throughout your day.
    2. Slow Down: Take a physical posture of ownership by slowing down. Notice and experience your feelings with curiosity and openness. Allocate time for yourself and remind yourself that you are in charge. This helps you understand your thoughts and improve them.
    3. Early Day Journaling: Spend 3-5 minutes brain dumping your thoughts. Then spend another 3-5 minutes listing truth statements for yourself. These truth statements are reminders that help you focus on who you want to be, how you want to act, and the feelings you want to cultivate during your day and whatever you're doing.

Listen in for more about these simple yet powerful practices and how you can use them to transform your daily life!

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