Wednesday Mar 27, 2024

35 - Why Perfectionism Is Unhelpful: How To Accept Your Imperfections

Annaliese and Alan talk through some reasons we try to be perfect through life's twists and turns, and how it actually works against us. Annaliese brings up the importance of slowing down to reflect on our experiences and catching where we're holding unhelpful standards of perfectionism over ourselves instead of living more fully and freely as we are.

Here's more of what you'll hear:

-Discover your unhelpful standards:
Ever felt the weight of pursuing perfection without even defining what it means to you? This is a common struggle! You can help yourself set better standards that inspire growth and resonate with who you really are.

-Spotlighting anxiety triggers:
Have you ever found yourself paralyzed by the fear of not measuring up? Tune in to shine a light on those moments of heightened pressure, helping you recognize exactly when perfectionism is holding you back.

-Embracing imperfection:
You'll learn about better ways to navigating your discomfort. Embracing your own imperfection, a little at a time, fosters growth and frees you from the concrete wall of unreachable perfection.


- Awareness: Slow down and tune into those moments when you're uncomfortable with your own imperfection... this is where you're holding a standard over yourself that just isn't helpful.
- Reflection: Name and explore the feelings driving your discomfort, uncover for yourself the reasons why they're there inside you.
- Intention: Define how you want to feel and think about yourself in moments of failure, limitiations, and mistakes.
- Empowerment: Challenge the status quo of perfectionism - you don't even want it, if you're honest with yourself! Take control of your thoughts and the perspectives you pick to live from.
- Authenticity: Your journey is unique, focus on your own personal growth and progress when you find yourself comparing.

Visit to schedule your free Discovery Chat with Annaliese. In this call, you’ll spend the first 20-30 minutes with Annaliese getting to know you better as you share about your life, story, and situation, and then spend the final 30 minutes as Annaliese coaches you on the topic you really want to focus on. This call is so you can experience coaching with Annaliese and see how it could help you make your life more what you want it to be.

Listen in with us and let's navigate life's twists and turns IMPERFECTLY and freely together!

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